When I tried my first cherry lassi, I was hooked!
For some reason when people hear about my quest to cook and eat nothing but Indian food for a year, they automatically think of spicy curries. One of the most often asked questions by new friends on Twitter is “How do you do it?” Let’s just say that great Indian food is so much more than spicy vindaloos and fattening creamy kormas!
I start every day out with a nutritious and tasty fruit drink like this cherry lassi. Often I do the same for lunch and then follow it all up with tandoori sea bass or skinless chicken tikka for dinner. How’s that for healthy eating!
I’m not saying I don’t splurge from time to time with a nice rogan josh cooked with ghee (clarified butter) and plenty of red meat. I do – as anyone who reads my blog regularly will know.
My day to day Indian diet, however is a delicious mix of ingredients that also happen to be good for you.
It is these healthy – lesser known recipes – that I like to share the most.
In India, lassies are made in many different ways. Some are savory including a salt lassi I tried about a month ago that consisted of yogurt, milk, ice and salt. It wasn’t exactly my favourite but wasn’t bad all the same.
Most lassies are sweet and include fruit. I love this easy cherry lassi recipe and hope you will too.

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Serves 1 – 2
250ml (one cup) non-fat plain yogurt
250ml (one cup) low-fat milk
20 cherries – pitted
1 tablespoon sugar (optional – I don’t use it.)
1 handful of ice cubes
Simply place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. I usually blend mine for about two minutes which makes them very creamy.
It’s that easy!
Lassies are a great alternative to fizzy drinks and milkshakes. My three kids love lassies and enjoy making up their own recipes.
Why not experiment by adding your favourite fruit to this recipe and let me know about your creation? Come on… I challenge you to top this simple cherry lassi recipe.
Dixya @ Food, Pleasure and Health
Tuesday 23rd of October 2012
I am not a big salty lassi fan but anything sweet- plain, sweet, mango is my fav. Cherry Lassi will be a great drink to go with spicy curies.
Dan Toombs
Tuesday 23rd of October 2012
I love mango lassis too. Hope you like this cherry versions. :-)